Sunday, August 26, 2007

Long Ago With Chocolate and Dolphins

Long ago... about a year ago... I started this blog, with full intentions of using it faithfully. In that area I have drastically failed. As always, I found myself caught up in the action and hecticness of every day life. To say that I didn't have time would be a blunt lie, but to say that I was so engaged in this increasingly busy life that I did not even think about this site that I started would be one hundred percent truth. So much has changed since I stopped writing, and yet it is all the same. That is just how life goes though. Everything changes, yet it all stays the same. I am a year older, therefore a year wiser, though often times it doesn't show. I no longer have a car of my own, but I will soon. I was single then, and I'm single now, but in between then and now I was taken. I now know even more what love and heartbreak means, and how stupid guys can really be. Through several lectures and performances I have seen with my job, I have learned the value of looking at the bright side of things. One of the motivational speakers at the ASC Conference taught us about the dolphins living inside our head. First she asked us to close our eyes while titlting our heads back and forth. she needed to make sure the water was in our heads so the dolphins would live. She explained that laughing released dolphins, and that they needed water to survive. She then replied that she could tell who the crankypants were because the were the ones that leaned over and said I think she means endorfins. But then she got back on topic saying that chocolate and some other simple pleasures of life release the big dolphins, and dolphins are always smiling, so we should be to. No matter how confusing it was for her to get to the point, her message was clear. Life is to short to be wearing crankypants. When we are wearing them, we need to do something, like eat chocolate and release those dolphins. By little lessons such as that, I have grown a little more wise, enough to know that I need to get to bed in order to babysit tomorrow. So God Bless!


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